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All resets are currently paused until further notice. You are not able to reset your accounts until we allow them again.

Can I Reset My Account?

At this point in time, you can only reset your Formula 1 accounts. For 10% of your earned profit (based on the previous day’s close), you can reset your account to 50% of your earned profits.

Example: Imagine you have a Formula 1 account with $200,000 in earned profit, and your account liquidates at the $300,000 Max Loss Limit (MLL). Instead of purchasing a new account, you can opt to reset your current one. For 10% of your earned profit ($20,000), you can recover $100,000 in profit plus your starting balance of $300,000. This means when the market reopens on Sunday at 6 PM EST, you’ll have $400,000 in your account instead of starting over at $300,000.

Reset Limitations:

  • Your account must have at least $15,000 in earned profit.
  • Resets must be requested at least 4 days before payout day.
  • Rally, Daytona, and Grand Prix Accounts are not eligible for resets at the moment.

Note that if you reset your account, you will have a harder time moving it to your live account.

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