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In-Depth Account Comparison Chart

This is an in-depth comparison of all accounts Fast Track Trading (FTT) offers. All account features and costs are compared here in order for you to find the best value for your money or preference. When new information about these accounts are released, they will be updated on this page.

  Rally Daytona Grand Prix Formula 1
Starting Balance $25,000 $50,000 $150,000 $300,000
Account Price $179 $449 $599 $799
Cost Per $1,000 Funds $7.16 $8.98 $3.99 $2.66
Minimum Payout Balance $1,250 $2,500 $7,500 $15,000
Starting Minimum Balance $23,750 $47,500 $142,500 $285,000
5 Day Maximum Payout $1,000 $1,250 $1,500 $2,000
10 Day Maximum Payout $1,500 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000
Maximum Contract Sizes 2 5 15 30
Account Reset Eligibility No No No Yes

If you are new to Fast Track Trading, you should educate yourself on what each of these features mean and how Fast Track Trading implements them into their systems. For more information, read some of our other articles on the knowledgebase.

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