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Understanding the Consistency Rule

The Consistency Rule is a straightforward yet essential guideline in Fast Track Trading (FTT). It ensures that traders’ profits are accumulated in a consistent manner rather than through high-risk, high-reward trading practices.

The Rule Explained

The rule states that when you make a withdrawal, your total gain cannot have more than 20% of that amount made in a single day. This means that no single day’s profit should account for more than 20% of your overall profits at the time of withdrawal.


Suppose you have made a total profit of $10,000 and wish to withdraw it. According to the Consistency Rule, no single day’s profit should exceed $2,000 (which is 20% of $10,000). If you had a day where you made $3,000, you would need to continue trading until the total profit increases to a point where $3,000 is no longer more than 20% of your overall gains before you can request a payout.

Understanding Consistency After Payouts

Once you receive your payout, your consistency requirements restart with the new payout cycle. This means that any profits made after your payout will be subject to consistency rules based on the new profit amount.

Example Scenario:

  • Payout Request: You requested a $1,500 payout.
  • Remaining Profits: After the payout, you are left with $1,000 in total profits.

If you then make an additional $2,000 in profits over the next 10 days, the consistency rule will apply only to this new $2,000 profit. This means:

Maximum Daily Profit for Consistency: This translates to a maximum of $400 profit on your best day ($2,000 profit).
Consistency Rule: Your best trading day within the next 10-day period must not exceed 20% of the $2,000 profit.

Consistency Calculator

If you still don’t know how to calculate your consistency, you can use our custom consistency caluclator, just enter your total profit target over the 5 or 10 trading days, and you’ll see how much you can’t make in one single trading day.

More Information

For further information or questions about the Consistency Rule, feel free to reach out to our support team or engage with our trading community on our discord server.

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